Looking to create an awesome Dad’s house for your children after divorce? Use your strengths to develop a lasting relationship and quality time without breaking the bank.
The article “Creating an Awesome Dad’s House” by Todd Carver is a guide for fathers who are looking to build a better relationship with their children after a divorce. He explores the benefits of joint custody, ways to achieve it, and how to maximize the limited time with kids without overspending.
Todd emphasizes the importance of building memories through quality time with the children, rather than spending money to buy happiness. The article is a must-read for divorced dads who are looking to create a better environment for their children while maintaining a healthy relationship with them.
Two Homes for Children Are Better Than One
Even the separation of their parents has upsides for children. A major gain is the benefit from having two residences and a richer experience growing up. Children of divorce effectively have two homes when custody is shared: Dad’s house and Mom’s house. That means access to more spaces, features, and people. Despite concerns, children in joint custody usually feel secure in both households.
Research has shown that joint custody arrangements, such as 50/50 custody, offer many benefits to children following the divorce of their parents. The most significant advantage is that children benefit from having access to both parents and the opportunity to form strong relationships with each of them.
Joint custody also allows children to have a better-balanced upbringing, gain access to the extended families of both parents, and avoid the negative effects of father absence. Additionally, shared parenting can improve the quality of parent-child relationships.
Further reading: 50/50 Custody Benefits
Achieving Joint Custody or Whatever You Can Get
A sad reality, though the situation is improving, is that the odds are stacked against fathers in family courts. Mothers still are often awarded sole or primary custody. That pushes fathers into being non-custodial parents, who spend a third or less of their time with their children.
To get joint custody, a good starting place is to find an effective fathers’ right attorney. These are lawyers who specialize in family law. In particular, they are aware of the issues facing fathers and know the strategies to help fathers achieve the best outcomes for children.
To give yourself the best chance of getting a great parenting arrangement, some of the strategies are the following.
- Maintain a cooperative relationship with your ex. Never do anything that could get you accused of domestic violence or being involved in conflict.
- Maintain a close relationship with your child or children. See them as often as possible for as long as possible. Judges take existing relationships into account when making parenting orders.
- Be flexible with work and your living arrangements. To be a co-parent, you need to have free time available and to be living close to the other parent and your child’s school.
Custody Time is for Building Memories
All of us currently living in the divorced dad reality will unanimously agree that it is much harder to get time with our kids that may result in a lasting memory. When you look back through your memories with your parents and try to discover what led to the bond you currently have with them, you will likely key in on a few, distinct memorable moments with them.
Many people say they had a kind, or loving dad, but their reason for this conclusion is based on characteristics that were consistently demonstrated during moments that were memorable. The opposite is also true for bad memories that lead to harsh conclusions.
The moments stick, and it’s the consistent emotions and repeated behavior you exhibit and share with your children during these times that create the foundation of their relationship with you.
Instead of spending your limited time competing with your ex, use your strengths to create an awesome dad’s house that your kids will be excited to live in or visit.
How to Achieve Quality Time Without Spending

Too many of us go about maximizing our time with our kids the wrong way. One of the most common mistakes made, and believe me nearly all of us are guilty of this one, is to spend money in an attempt to buy the happy moments.
You may only get a few days out of the month with your kids. With so little time, it becomes hard to say no. Your desire is to pack all the fun you can into a little bit of time. Nothing is easier than breaking out the credit card and letting loose at the mall or amusement park.
To tell the truth, along with the desire to remove any of the barriers is likely a darker desire to stick it a little to your ex. All of us have been there and I’m fairly certain all of us are guilty.
Three main points you should remember, though, to help you avoid the temptation to let loose with the money:
- Bought memories aren’t as lasting as earned memories.
- A disparity in rules and spending between the households is not good for you or the kids.
- You are setting a bad precedent.
As you think about each of those, I think the first two are pretty clear. We only have so much time with our children, especially after divorce. Our goal as parents is to prepare their foundation so they can make the best decisions possible in life when they head out on their own.
Here’s a tip about how you spend time on your vacations with the kids. Allocate plenty of relaxed, quiet time together, such as just hanging out in your temporary accommodation. A vacation is as much a chance to develop a calm, natural connection with your children as much as an opportunity to do fun, different things.
Dangers of Money Focused Parenting
Who we are today is built heavily on the lessons learned from our parents. Our likelihood to absorb those lessons is directly related to our relationship with them. You can’t buy a moment to pass on a value. Instead you may be passing on the undesired lesson that money and spending is required to have fun.
If there is a disparity in the households driven by your spending then you are creating confusion for the kids. And, if you aren’t careful, you are setting the precedent that you are the source of money.
While you may have more resources than your ex, the bill will only grow as your children grow. It may be cheap to splurge on a make-your-own teddy bear place when they are young. But imagine what they will come to expect when they are in middle school, or even high school. Their foundation will be built on the belief that fun takes money and that dad is the source of that money.
If their only relationship with you involves money, and you later take that away, there is nothing left to fall back on, except your backside! Everyone one of us has characteristics that are worthwhile that you can instead build upon to maximize your time with your kids while building the values you desire.
Use Your Unique Strengths as a Co-Parent
As a child of divorce also, I found that each of my parent’s houses brought unique elements that I enjoyed. My mom had her strengths and my dad had his.
Your kids in the early days of divorce are very likely going to prefer one of the houses, and resist going to the other. To avoid this being your house, you have to create an awesome Dad’s House.
Instead of competing with your ex, think instead to complement and highlight the areas of you that she doesn’t have. While a rule-free fun house will just bite you, you can have a fun house that still has rules and boundaries.
Align Activities With Your Child’s Interests
If you think about your strengths, especially areas that aren’t her strong points, and focus on the ones that align with your children’s interests, you will quickly get to a good environment.
If you are the outdoors guy and love hiking, but your kids hate hikes, don’t go on hikes. Instead think about how all kids love messing around in streams, or swimming in lakes and rivers, so maybe find the short hikes to cool places. It is during these rare, interactive times where you have their attention and interest that you can inject memorable lessons and associated values into their development.
My ex is an artist, so I don’t even bother with a craft area. But the outdoors is my playground and my kids today look forward to what new adventures and exploring we can do together.
Now is the time to seize your opportunity to highlight your strengths and develop your relationship with your kids. You can and should take advantage of your time apart to focus on the areas you like that don’t align with your children’s interests.
Be Strong and Grow Together
It’s important to feed your needs and, by doing so, you can focus the limited time with them on areas they enjoy. When you think about the values you want for your children, those will only come from their witnessing the same behavior from you during key memorable events.
Each season presents unique opportunities for these moments. Set aside a naive hope that the moments need to happen naturally. After divorce, your time is very limited. Grasp it, plan, and go out and set the stage for times your children won’t forget.